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waxy starch

WAXY Starch is a bulking starch made from maize which is used in soups, sauces and snacks. This starch provides high viscosity, enables expansion in snacks, and has very low

resistance to breakdown during processing.

Waxy starches consist almost exclusively of amylopectin and don’t contain amylose molecules. Despite extensive knowledge - and certain applications - of waxy maize starch in former times, the production and use of other high amylopectin starches is now increasing.

Applications of waxy rice flour and starch

Waxy rice (glutinous rice) is a major rice variety used in producing Chinese snacks, festival foods and also for thickening soups, sauces, gravies, baby foods and puddings due to its stickiness characteristic, more porous texture, and good water retention (Bao et al., 2004). Charoenrein and Preechathammawong (2012) found that this starch reduced the syneresis and enabled the formation of spongy structure in freeze-thawed rice starch gel, resulting in the retardation of textural changes.


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